The KORE Women Podcast
A podcast, where Stories Change Lives! KORE Women provides a unique idea of ”home” for the hearts and souls of women. KORE Women is a company that strategically empowers women to promote strength and wisdom. KORE Women is a woman-owned business founded by Dr. Summer Watson, PhD, who is an Evaluation and Success Coach, Dr of Psychology, Author, Documentary Film Producer, and Producer of Virtual and In-Person Seminars. Join Dr. Summer Watson and her guests as they share stories of growth, resiliency, intention, transformation and inspiration.

Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Charlotte Petit Noble, who specializes in empowering, teaching, and helping purpose-driven coaches to create, launch and monetize highly profitable and impactful programs and courses with ease and confidence. She is the founder of the Peppy Profit Place ~ a place where Passion Elevates Profit, Purpose, and You. Her four primary areas of focus are Intuitive Business Growth, Social Media, Sales, and Program and Course Launches. She is originally from France and she now resides in Los Angeles with her family. Don't miss hearing about Charlotte's journey and how she started working in the fashion industry and moved into entrepreneurship.
You can connect and follow Charlotte Petit Noble on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram and at:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
This week on the show, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Sevda Hussein, who is a Mystic, Certified High Priestess, Intuitive Guide, Tantrica, Coach and Previous Sex Worker. She is on a mission to "activate as many women as possible to STOP believing they are broken and to help guide folks to activate a state of bliss from within."
Sevda wants people to know that:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Tammy G. Barlette. She is a Minnesota native, who grew up with a heart to serve her country. At the University of Minnesota she joined Air Force ROTC and this is where her love for aviation started. Tammy completed Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training in April of 2000 for the Air Force, where she flew the T-37 and T-38, and moved on to fly the A-10 Warthog. There were some life changes and she went on to join the Air National Guard and piloted the MQ-1 Predator and the MQ-9 Reaper, accumulating over 1500 hours of combat support time in both Iraq and Afghanistan supporting and protecting our troops on the ground, providing real time reconnaissance and lethal support. She has over 3000 hours of flying time, has a Master’s in Christian Ministery, wife, mom, and also run’s an organization called Athena’s Voice.
You can connect and follow Tammy G. Barlette on LinkedIn on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and at:
@tambarlette on instagram
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
This week on the show, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Elisa Romeo, who is licensed marriage and family therapist, an intuitive, speaker, co-host of the Holy & Human Podcast, and the author of Meet Your Soul and co-author of Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships.
In Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships (New World Library, February 14, 2022), authors Elisa Romeo and Adam Foley say that the problem is that many of us have lost connection with the authentic and unconditional part of ourselves — the Soul. How can we connect with another on a soulful level if we do not understand ourselves personally and intimately on a Soul level? How can we find a soulmate if we can’t see and feel our own Soul?
You can connect and follow Elisa Romeo on Facebook and Pinterest, and on YouTube and Instagram on their pages: Holy and Human as well as on her website: You can also find her book on Amazon and other retailers.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
****You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Jolie Dawn, who is the author of "Empowered, Sexy, and Free: Discover Your Unique Brilliance and Dare to be the Creatrix of Your Life" and creator of the "Dare to Prosper Challenge," the largest women’s prosperity meditation gathering online, attended by women in more than fifty countries. She specializes in helping women awaken their prosperity consciousness, embody their deepest truth, and reclaim personal freedom and creativity. An intuitive business coach and writer, she currently contributes to Entrepreneur magazine, and she has written six bestselling self-published books.
You can connect with Jolie Dawn on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and at: You can also find her book on Amazon and at other retailers.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Veronica Cline Barton. Veronica started her journey by getting her graduate degrees in engineering and business and has held successful careers in the software and technology industries. Her career progressed and as time went on Veronica developed a lifelong love affair with British murder mysteries. This inspired her to embark on a literary career. She loves all things glam, travel, royals, theatre, fashion, food, and divine cocktails! At 60, Veronica published her first book.
The Crown for Castlewood Manor is the first book in the My American Almost Royal Cousin Series, followed by Cast, Crew, & Carnage; the Filming of Castlewood Manor; Deadly Receptions, the Debut of Castlewood Manor; Mistletoe and Mayhem, Yuletide at Castlewood Manor; Double Trouble, Showtime at Castlewood Manor; and Twins in the City: Playtime at Castlewood Manor. Her Book 7, in her series, is coming in 2022!
For lovers of Christmas cozy tales, Rikkhe St. Claire Hygge & Bisous Holiday Mysteries features tales of mystery and holiday magic from around the globe. Take a journey to the paranormal mystery world with The Haunted Series (Hearth Fires & Tangled Webs), co-authored with Bibiana Krall!
When Veronica is not traveling and spinning mystery yarns, she lives in California with her husband, Bruce, and her two cats, Daisy and Ebbie.
You can connect with Veronica Cline Barton on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and at:, you can also purchase Veronica’s books on Amazon and other retailers! (Links Below)
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
*****You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:
Twitter: @VClinebartonFacebook:
Blog: Instagram:
Amazon author page:
Book links (Amazon):

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Betsy Wiersma, who is a serial social entrepreneur, artist, marketer, podcaster, author, community organizer, strategic philanthropist, TEDx Speaker, and Clothing Designer. Betsy is known for BIG IDEA thinking and her ability to rally people around a common cause. After years of service leading in the national events industry, Betsy now focuses on Wiersma Experience Marketing, her consulting and event marketing company in Denver, Colorado. Betsy is also a TEDx speaker and her 17-year-old CampExperience™ Network has raised over $1 million dollars in cash and in-kind support for women’s charities in Colorado and around the world.
In her past life, Betsy authored the textbook, "Exceptional Events: Concept to Completion," and led workshops in Italy, Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Scotland, Jamaica, Spain, Australia and Norway as well as cities throughout the United States. This passion for travel and the stories of “Sisters” everywhere, led Betsy to create the Global Sisterhood Network and her flagship Boost Power Podcast. Her 2020 book is "The STEW: Smart Talk Exceptional Women," featuring 62 essays from women around the globe to uplift and inspire. Betsy created over 100 pieces of her own mixed-media work for this Art & Inspiration book. In 2021. Betsy also recently launched her own Wiersma Wear brand of inspirational art clothing.
You can connect and follow Betsy Wiersma on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and at:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Mariah Edgington, who is a retired critical care and emergency nurse who integrated holistic practices such as Reiki, Aromatherapy, Breathing Techniques, and Guided Meditation into her practice. She found using these tools so effective, she used them with hospital staff to decrease stress and reduce burnout. After retiring, Mariah transitioned to mindset coaching. She and her husband, Byron, recently co-authored a book that promotes her positive message of Owning Your Value, claiming your worth, and living a life of abundance entitled: “Journey Well, You Are More Than Enough.”
You can connect and follow Mariah Edgington on LinkedIn, Facebook, and at: You can find her books on Amazon and other retailers.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
****You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Marie Estorge. She is the author of "Then There was Larry" and "In the Middle of Otherwise." Writing under the name Marie Etienne, Marie also published two bestselling memoirs, "Storkbites" and "Confessions of a Bi-Polar Mardi Gras Queen." Marie is a member of the Squaw Valley Community of Writers and has been the keynote speaker at writers’ conferences and self-publishing events. Her essays have appeared in numerous publications including the San Francisco Chronicle, Nob Hill Gazette, East Bay Times, and Diablo Magazine. Marie is a master springboard diver, avid reader, and modern wire basket maker. She holds an M.B.A and is an accountant for several San Francisco Bay Area startups and a global video game company. She and her sons live in the San Francisco Bay Area.
You can connect and follow Marie Estorge on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr, and Pinterest as well as at: and You can find her books on Amazon and other retailers.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Leslie A. Rasmussen, who is the award-winning author of the novel, “After Happily Ever After.” She was born and raised in Los Angeles and graduated from UCLA. She went on to write television comedies and is a member of The Writers’ Guild of America. Leslie wrote for Gerald McRaney, Burt Reynolds, Roseanne Barr, Norm McDonald, Drew Carey as well as The Wild Thornberrys and Sweet Valley High. After leaving the business to raise her boys, she attained a master’s in nutrition and ran her own business for ten years. Recently, she’s written over twenty essays for Huffington Post, Maria Shriver, and SheKnows, and has been on several panels discussing women empowerment and midlife.
You can connect and follow Leslie A. Rasmussen on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and at: You can also check out her book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other retailers.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Paula Walters, who is a Certified Master Life Coach, a paramedic of 19 years, a former firefighter and survivor of child abuse, domestic violence, strangulation, traumatic brain injury, and sexual assault. Since 2015 she has also served as the president of her non-profit “Standing Courageous.”
Paula and her educational staff have led the charge to educate first responders, EMS providers, social workers, and other healthcare professionals on the dangers of abuse and trauma. Paula is passionate about advocating for those that are abused and raising awareness about the psychology and the invisible impacts from traumatic abuse. Drawing upon her thirteen-year journey of several incorrect medical diagnoses, Paula has swiftly become a nationally recognized motivational speaker and educator. After a three-year journey, she is now medicine-free and lives only with a single medical diagnosis - traumatic brain injury. A proponent for total body wellness, functional health, and the concept of “rewiring“ after trauma, Paula seeks to inspire others to triumph over personal trauma and tragedy.
You can connect and follow Paula Walters on LinkedIn, on Facebook at Paula D Walters, on Instagram at The Courageous Survivor and at her website at:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
*****You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson speaks with Catherine Porth, who is the Founder of Let Her Speak, where she designs and develops women-empowered events, conducts female-focused research, and develops leadership-growth education. She founded Let Her Speak originally with one purpose - to share the stories of women who often get overlooked and forgotten. Her mission is to bring more visibility and support to all women in business. She believes that through community, research, and education - more women will rise to leadership positions. She is also the Director of Insights & Development for the Knoxville Entrepreneur Center.
Catherine has almost 15 years of experience in service, business development, training, and insights research. She has worked in a broad range of industries including financial services, workplace design, and technology start-ups. For every role Catherine has had, one thing that remains consistent is that she takes on an "owner's heart" with every business she works for or with. She believes her wide range of experience and passion for the entrepreneurial community has made her uniquely effective in working with entrepreneurs who have to wear all the hats as they build their businesses.
Born and raised in Iowa, she has called Knoxville, TN home for the last 4.5 years with her husband, dog, and rabbit.
To connect with Catherine Porth, you can find her on LinkedIn and Let HER Speak US on: Facebook and Instagram and at her website at:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Lisa Campion, who is the author of the #1 best-selling book, “The Art of Psychic Reiki" and she recently released her new book, "Energy Healing for Empaths.” Lisa is a psychic counselor and Reiki master teacher with over twenty-five years of experience. Lisa has been teaching Reiki for over 20 years. She has trained more than one thousand people in Reiki and has conducted more than fifteen thousand individual sessions.
She is also the host of the radio show and podcast, "The Miracle of Healing on Empower Radio." She specializes in training emerging psychics, empaths, and healers so that they can fully step into their gifts.
You can connect and follow Lisa Campion on: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. You can also check out her website at: and you can purchase her book, “Energy Healing for Empaths’ at Amazon and other on-line retailers.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
****You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Cierra Williams, who is a full-time Traveling Dental Hygienist. She is an independent contractor currently working in Virginia and an emerging entrepreneur, who is standing-up her own consultation business. Cierra was born and raised in Kansas City, Kansas, has a BS in Nutrition Dietetics and an Associate of Applied Science degree in Dental Hygiene.
In 2017, with a zero-dollar balance in her savings account and just a couple of credit cards, Cierra quit two jobs, moved to a small town in Illinois, went to Dental Hygiene school, and changed the trajectory of her life forever.
Today, she shares her journey with others about how she took the two things she loves the most, traveling and dental hygiene, and became self-employed.
You can connect with Cierra Williams at Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and at:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
****You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Lindsay Andreotti, who is a mentor, muse, imaginal, author, educator, and incredible entrepreneur. She is the creator of Brilliance Enterprises and The Imaginal Society. Her Super Power is to help folks find the “awesome-sauce” that lives within each person. She has worked and honed her skills in the entrepreneurial space for over 25 years in the areas of Sales, HR and Organizational Development. Lindsay has founded more than 20 businesses and been an advisor to 100’s of companies. In 2022, her goal is to bring a Big Dream Day to 10 innovation-focused universities this year and listen to the dreams of their students.
You can connect and follow Lindsay Andreotti on: LinkedIn, Instagram, and at: and
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson speaks with Brianne Davis, who is an Actor, Director, Producer, Sober Coach in addiction recovery, Podcaster & Bestselling Author of “Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex & Love Addict.”
Brianne most recently starred on the History Channel’s “Six.” Additional TV credits include Netflix's “Lucifer,” Hulu’s “Casual,” and HBO’s “True Blood.” Brianne’s first lead role in film came in 2005 with the blockbuster hit “Jarhead” starring opposite Jake Gyllenhaal.
Brianne is also a renowned sober coach in addiction recovery. She has spoken on over 175 podcasts and television shows, including The Doctors, The Daily Blast, and many more as an advocate for creating awareness of the deadly disease of sex and love addiction. She has also penned several articles on the subject for Cosmopolitan UK, Daily Beast, HuffPost, and The Drill. She is currently in rewrites for the follow-up novel of the Secret Life series and developing it as a tv series.
Thriving behind the camera, as much as in front, under her production company Give & Take Productions, Brianne has produced three films while also directing “The Night Visitor 2: Heather’s Story” and “Deadly Signal.”
With over 11 1/2 years of recovery as a Sex and Love Addict, Brianne hosts the popular personal journal podcast “Secret Life.” The podcast launched in August 2020 and features inspiring true confessions from an eclectic group of guests, unpacking a plethora of taboo topics. Brianne’s latest venture in the “Secret Life” brand is her debut novel, “Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex & Love Addict,” which instantly hit the best-sellers list on Amazon in 2021.
You can connect and follow Brianne Davis on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, IMDB, and Check out her bestselling book, “Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex & Love Addict” at Amazon and other retailers.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
*****You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Claudia Wyatt of Claudia Wyatt, LLC, who has been coaching high performing teams for over 20 years. She is a natural leader and can motivate anyone to stand in their light and thrive in all aspects of their lives. She posts a weekly motivational blog on her website and she uses her powers for good to inspire and empower others.
As a certified Confidence and Life Purpose Coach, she eliminates doubt by working with mindset strategy to dig deep. She is unmatched in bringing out the best in people and creating a safe space for people to unlock the light inside them. Claudia’s magnetic energy and contagious enthusiasm makes her a fabulous speaker and her mind works like lightening making her a key player in all conversations.
She leads a weekly interactive conversation on XXO guiding amazing people through self-care practices to gain limitless perspective and shine! With over 20 years in the wellness industry, she practices what she preaches. She has a weekly motivational blog on her website: Claudia’s magnetic energy is truly contagious!
You can connect with Claudia Wyatt by going to LinkedIn and Instagram as well as her website, which is:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson takes a glance back on 2021 as we jump into 2022 with more gained wisdom and shared experiences. She thanks every woman featured on this podcast, who shared their wisdom, expertise, and incredible life experiences. Dr. Watson is honored to share this space with so many amazing women.
Dr. Watson also wants to thank every person that has taken their time to listen to this podcast. It means so much that these women's stories are shared and experienced. As you take in each of these stories, it is our hope that something from these women's journeys resonated with you. There is so much that we can learn from one another.
Please share this podcast with your family and friends and reach out if you have questions about a guest or if you have a question for Dr. Summer Watson. We wish you an amazing New Year filled with love, hope, joy, creativity, meaningful relationships, and personal and professional fulfillment.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, JioSaavn and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
This week Dr. Summer Watson welcome Sheila McElroy, who is a consultant, speaker, social impact and community engagement change agent propelling authentic change in the world. Sheila guides companies to develop social impact proposition, a roadmap for community engagement, and connecting employees to purpose. Sheila’s superpower is seeing the invisible barriers that often prevents teams from completing the change they desire to see in the world. Her motto is: explore - create - share. She helps companies create the "B" in DEIB = diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging for their employees and the community
You can connect with Sheila McElroy on LinkedIn, Instagram @noodlingaround_sf and her Website at:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson speaks with Diane DiResta, who is a Certified Speaking Professional, is the Founder and CEO of DiResta Communications, Inc., a New York City consulting company that serves business leaders, who deliver high stakes presentations— whether one-to-one, in front of a crowd or from an electronic platform. Diane is also the author of "Knockout Presentations: How to Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz,” which is an category best-seller and she is someone that has spoken on 4 continents.
Diane is Past President of the NYC chapter of National Speakers Association and former media trainer for the NBA and WNBA. She was featured on CNN, and quoted in the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, London Guardian, and Investors Business Daily and Bloomberg radio.
Diane is a Certified Speaking Professional, a designation held by less than 12% of speakers nationwide as well as a certified virtual presenter. Her blog, Knockout Presentations, made the Top 50 Public Speaking blogs and her Linkedin course, Speaking Confidently and Effectively ranked #5 on the Top 20 Most Popular courses on Linkedin.
You can connect with Diane DiResta by following her on:
You can also find her book, “Knockout Presentations: How to Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz" on Amazon.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Suzanne Simonetti, who grew up in the New York suburbs, earned her BS in marketing, she spent several years writing press releases, and finally left her corporate job to pursue her dream and passion of writing fiction. She lives on Cape May Harbor with her husband, where she loves to paddle board, do yoga, and talk to dolphins! In May of this year Suzanne released her book, “The Sound of Wings.” Don't miss out on this episode, where Suzanne talks about growing up in New York, how she started her career as a writer and how her career developed into a passion.
You can connect with Suzanne Simonetti by following her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and by going to: You can find her book, "The Sound of Wings" at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other retailers.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Regina Louise. Her history is such that she started her journey in life by living in over 30 foster homes, group homes and psychiatric facilities before the age of 18. Regina went on to put herself through college on scholarships, wrote two bestselling memoirs, and began touring the nation telling her story and inspiring others.
Regina’s life story was made into a Lifetime movie called “I Am Somebody’s Child: The Regina Louise Story,” which was nominated for a 2020 NAACP Award for Best Director. Regina was also the recipient of a 2019 Jordan Award for service in transforming foster care through advocacy and the arts, and a 2021 Christopher Award, which is given to producers for stories that “affirm the human spirit.”
Regina has recently released her book, "Permission Granted Kick-Ass Strategies to Bootstrap Your Way to Unconditional Love", where she offers a powerful permission manifesto and proven techniques to support readers to connect with their deepest desires, to follow their dreams, and live life on their terms.
You can connect with Regina Louise by following her on Instagram @therealreginalouise, you can visit her at:, you can reach out to her publisher New World Library to schedule an interview and you can find her book, "Permission Granted: Kick-Ass Strategies to Bootstrap Your Way to Unconditional Love" on Amazon and other retailers.
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Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Adrian Miller, who is a serial entrepreneur and has launched 4 successful companies to include: Adrian Miller Sales Training, a sales consulting and training organization that she started 30+ years ago; Adrian’s Network, a robust networking community comprised of 300+ members; Words Work Copywriting, a customized content development firm, and the 3-Giraffes, an integrated marketing company. Adrian works across a vast and diverse range of industries and with companies ranging from solopreneurs to global brands. She is also a professional speaker and author of multiple books. Two of those books are, "The Blatant Truth: 50 Ways to Sales Success" and "The Blatant Truth: How to Not Screw Up the Customer Service Game."
To connect with Adrian Miller, follow her on LinkedIn and by going to: and
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Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Ruth Kent. After a 41-year career as an ICU Trauma Nurse, dealing with her own chronic pain and trauma, it caught up with her. She was having challenges breathing, felt scared and hopeless and was committed to finding a solution. Ruth was introduced to energy work that not only led her to wellness, but provided her with the tools to help discover and break free of self-limiting and lifelong thought patterns. Ruth now helps others with these same transformative Energy Wellness tools.
You can connect with Ruth Kent by going to:
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You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson talks with Ell Graniel, who has over 25 years of experience in the neuroscience space, has her degree in Communication, training and certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), negotiation, personality type predictors, and authored three international best-selling books. Her most recent book is “The Team Whisperer – Successfully Lead a Cross Generation, Race, and Gender Team.”
Ell’s passion for inspiring others began over thirty-five years ago when she became a certified group fitness instructor, manager, and key-note speaker for companies, such as 24-Hour Fitness and Beach Body’s Chalene Johnson. In 1996, she began training with the International Academy of Self-Knowledge (IASK) where she became one of only a dozen people on the planet certified to implement the process of Transformational Meditation (TfM). Ell is a coach, a best-selling author, is the founder and CEO of a business called “Truespeak.”
You can connect with Ell Graniel by going to LinkedIn at: Ell Graniel, On Instagram at:, and her website at: www.truespeak.US
She is also offering a Free Book to Download at:
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Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson speaks with Meg Nocero, who is a magical manifester, a former federal immigration prosecutor, an inspirational speaker, a transformational coach, and the award-winning author of The Magical Guide to Bliss: Daily Keys to Unlock Your Dreams as well as the author of Spirit & Inner Bliss and Sparkle & Shine: 108 M.A.N.T.R.A.s to Brighten Your Day and Lighten Your Way and the Newly Released “Butterfly Awakens: A Memoir of Transformation Through Grief.” After she was brought on stage in Miami with Oprah Winfrey in 2014, she was inspired to manifest the life of her dreams and founded Butterflies & Bliss LLC and S.H.I.N.E. Networking Inc., a nonprofit that provides educational scholarships to young innovative leaders in her community, and she is a TEDx Speaker!
Connect with Meg by going to the following pages:
Manifesting with Meg: Conversations with Extraordinary People.
YouTube channel:
Anchor Podcast:
Twitter: @megnocero
Instagram: @megnocero
Linked In:
You can also purchase her book, “Butterfly Awakens: A Memoir of Transformation Through Grief” on Amazon: Butterfly Awakens: A Memoir of Transformation Through Grief: Nocero, Meg, Sami, Dr. Sherry, Sadeghi, Dr. Habib: 9781647421755: Books
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Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast Dr. Summer Watson speaks with Darcy Eikenberg, who is a professional certified coach, Author of "Red Cape Rescue: Save Your Career Without Leaving Your Job,” Private Coach to Leaders & High Performing Teams, Keynote Speaker, and Workshop Facilitator for Companies & Professional Associations.
Like many of us in the working world today, Darcy Eikenberg wears a lot of hats. She’s been an executive coach to leaders at organizations such as The Coca-Cola Company, Microsoft, State Farm, Deloitte Consulting, and more.
She consults and speaks about career growth, employee engagement, and leadership development all over the world, and shares career and workplace strategies regularly at Her ideas have been shared in the Harvard Business Review, Thrive Global, The Ladders, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and Forbes, among others.
Darcy is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Professional Certified Coach (or PCC), former principal and communication consulting business leader at Hewitt Associates (now part of Alight Solutions) and graduated from Northwestern University.
Darcy brings a sense of encouragement and humor to serious matters in our work and careers, and offers simple, practical ways we can transform our lives at work, right where we are, right now.
To connect with Darcy Eikenberg go to: or find her on LinkedIn. Her book, "Red Cape Rescue: Save Your Career Without Leaving Your Job” can be found on Amazon, Target and other retailers.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
This week on The KORE Women podcast Dr. Summer Watson talks with Kori Hahn, who is the author of Rituals of the Soul and founder of a community gathering place called the Santosha Society, which is dedicated to travel, surfing, and the soulful. She hosts numerous trips around the world for hundreds of women who study Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, and all things related to soul growth, knowledge, and fulfillment. When she isn’t traveling, she divides her time between Sri Lanka and Southern California.
A few of the questions she asks in her book is, "is your life a wild exploration, or does it feel mundane and lack excitement? Is the life you are living based on logical reason and society’s expectations, or are you doing exactly what makes your heart beat a little faster with passion and enthusiasm? If you listened more intently to what your heart wants, what would you be doing? What are your dreams, and why aren’t you living them at the moment?"
Rituals of the Soul empowers readers to create a customized yoga prescription that will help them hear and start acting on their intuition. The eight-step strategy Kori offers is based on the teachings of the world’s greatest (and oldest) yogis in an ancient text called the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which can be challenging to understand in its original form. So Kori offers her own interpretations and real-life examples from her life as a yogi, bohemian, surfer, and mama to make each of the eight principles easier to integrate into modern life.
You can connect with Kori Hahn at: you can order her book, “Rituals of the Soul” on Amazon and for further information about Kori, you can reach out to her publisher, New World Library.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
This week on The KORE Women podcast Dr. summer Watson welcomes Dr. Kellie Stecher, who is an Author, Educator, Policy Consultant, and OBGYN at M Health Fairview Women’s Center in Edinaand Co-Founder and President of Patient Care Heroes, Founding Board Member for the Minnesota Branch of the League of Minority Voters, as well as the Governor of the 7th district of the American Medical Women’s Association.
She has won the Minneapolis/St. Paul Magazine’s Top Doctors' Rising Star award for the last three years. She launched an organization, Patient Care Heroes, a community of leaders and innovators who are willing to go the extra mile and put service ahead of their personal needs. This organization was created with love and compassion as a way to provide assistance to the families and loved ones of physicians, nurses, medical assistants, dentists, EMS, and others, who have died in the medical community. The country has suffered a collective trauma and there is a need to grieve together, this organization will create a hub where that can occur.
If you would like to connect with Dr. Kellie Stecher, you can find her on: LinkedIn @Kellie Stecher, MD and at
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Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Dr. Sharon Lamm-Hartman, who is the CEO of Inside-Out-Learning also known as (IOL) an award-winning global leadership consulting company working with Fortune 50 and 100 companies as well as with small and mid-size businesses. With 25 years of experience, having earned a Doctorate from Columbia University, and a Masters from Cornell, Dr. Sharon leads IOL to companies, teams, and leaders to achieve exceptional results. Dr. Sharon is a global executive, presentation skills coach, leadership and organization development consultant, speaker, writer, educator, wife and mom.
Sharon has designed and delivered over 3,000 innovative programs, including many women’s development and executive presence and presentation skills programs. In addition to all of her wonderful achievement, Dr. Sharon’s book “The Authenticity Code” is due out this year!
If you would like to connect with Dr. Sharon, you can find her on
LinkedIn at: Dr. Sharon Lamm Hartman
Instagram at: Inside Out Learning
Instagram at: Inside Out Learning
Facebook at: Inside Out Learning Inc
Twitter at: IOL_inc
You can pre-order Dr. Sharon’s book, "The Authenticity Code" on Amazon.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Bilyana Georgieva, who is a digital nerd (her words not mine), corporate digital transformation expert, multi award-winning speaker, micro influencer on LinkedIn, TEDx trainer and TEDx speaker.
Bilyana talks about following her intuition and how this guides her business and personal journey. She also talks about being a micro-influencer, an international traveler and consultant, depression, a near death experience during the pandemic and her awakening.
To follow and connect with Bilyana:
SM Links:
LinkedIn link:
Website link:
TEDx Talk:
YouTube channel:
Facebook link:
Instagram link:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
This week Dr. Summer Watson speaks Laarni Mulvey, who is a proud Filipino American, Women's Strength Advocate, Mind Strength Coach, Author, Speaker, and Powerlifter. Laarni is the Founder of Strong and Mighty Company and the Global Standing in Strength Movement. She is also known as "The Power Lady," where she leads women to honor their unique strength. She created the Tools of Strength Program to connect the Mind and Body. Her Women’s Strength Initiative aims to provide access to all Realms of Strength. She also recently released her book, “Standing in Strength: Inspirational Stories of Power Unleashed.”
You can find Laarni's book on Amazon and reach out to her by going to: or
FB: Laarni Mulvey
FB Page: Strong and Mighty Company
FB Group:
IG: @laarnimulvey/@strongandmightycompany
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Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Chiara Covone, who is an executive coach, has a 20-year history of working in the corporate arena in the areas of marketing, innovation, and business development, and has made it her mission to help individuals live life on their terms and help them in their journey of recognizing how powerful they are. She is originally from Italy and lives with her husband, twins, and her dog outside of Stockholm, Sweden.
Chiara is certified by the International Coaching Federation, she has made her mission to help individuals be in the driving seat of their lives and recognize how powerful they are. Through her work, Chiara shares her knowledge and skills on a broader basis, and brings to life her vision to democratize coaching, guiding all of those who are ready to work on themselves to live the amazing life they were born to live.
Chiara created a FREE 3 parts mini training to teach people how to achieve any goal, stop procrastinating and making space and time for their dreams and wants. You can access the training by going to the following page:
If you would like to connect with Chiara Covone, you can find her on LinkedIn and at:
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Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson speaks with Dr. Susan Guiney, who has served as a Superintendent of Schools as well as a teacher, personal coach/mentor, author, strategic consultant, and expert on learning and leadership.
Dr. Guiney holds a doctorate in Leadership from Columbia University and advanced degrees in education, literature, library science, and information and technology. She has received numerous awards in the field of academia and public education. Dr. Guiney was named a Woman of Distinction by the New York State Senate. In addition, Dr. Guiney is a clinical hypnotherapist and a licensed Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) therapist and the CEO and founder of Owl and the Apple Consulting and the Ivy League Accelerator. She helps high performing adults, and now through the Ivy League Accelerator, high school and college students, transform their lives by growing their mindset and understanding how their mind functions to create the future they desire with better health, more wealth, and happiness in their personal and professional lives.
If you would like to connect with Dr. Susan Guiney, you can find her at:
@owlandtheapple On Instagram, Susan Guiney on LinkedIn, and at
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Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson speaks with Dr. Margaret Barrow, who is the Founder and CEO of It's Nola (formerly Brooklyn Granola), which is a black women-owned vegan snack company in Brooklyn, New York. Margaret grew up in foster care, is now a tenured Associate Professor at Borough of Manhattan Community College, a published author, keynote speaker, and a graduate of Columbia University. She co-hosted the National Retail Federation Small Business Advocate Town Hall, (May 2021). Margaret was a panelist on the Walker's Legacy & NRF Summit: Product Development Panel (Feb 2021), and CUNY School of Professional Studies Black History Event, "Raise Your Voice” on Zoom (Feb. 2021). Listen as Margaret talks about her journey from childhood to where she is now. Her wisdom, strength, and insight is incredible!
If you would like to connect with Margaret Barrow, you can find her at: and on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn at: itsnolasnacks
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Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
This week, Dr. Summer Watson had the opportunity to speak with Pamela Sams, who for 19 years has been helping women improve their personal and financial wealth through solid financial life planning. She focuses on helping her clients meet their financial needs and achieve financial security and greater retirement readiness. Pamela has become a strong voice in the area of personal finance for women. Her knowledge in this area has made her a sought-after speaker. Pamela was featured in the Women in Wealth section of Fortune Magazine November 2020 issue as a top Wealth Manager in the Washington DC metro area.
Pamela's loss of a parent was the beginning of a new career journey for her in the financial life planning space, where her passion is to help her clients meet their financial needs, achieve financial security and be more prepared for retirement.
If you would like to connect with Pamela Sams, you can find her on LinkedIn at: Pamela Sams on Facbook and Instagram at: JacksonSamsWealth, and Twitter at: JacksonSamsWS
Social media handles:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
This week, Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Mary Alex, who also goes by MA, to The KORE Women podcast. MA is an entrepreneur of a boutique consulting firm, where she works with clients to use LinkedIn to increase visibility, relevancy, and sales clout. She is a LinkedIn consultant, has worked for Microsoft as a Community Development Specialist and has a long history of working in the non-profit-philanthropies sector.
If you would like to connect with Mary Alex aka MA, you can find her on LinkedIn at: MaryAlex1
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast Dr. Summer Watson welcomes Kate Eckman to the show, who is the author of The Full Spirit Workout, a Columbia University–certified executive leadership coach, broadcast journalist, and tv personality. She is a well-known communications, performance, and mindfulness expert, accomplished entrepreneur, and elite athlete, who supports leaders with the tools, methods, and the energetic boost they need to excel. Kate’s work is rooted in neuroscience, positive psychology, and whole-person coaching techniques. She is passionate about mindfulness practices for both brain and body health and is a meditation teacher and course creator for Insight Timer, the world’s number-one ranked free meditation app.
If you would like to connect with Kate Eckman, you can find her at:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
This week, Dr. Summer Watson speaks with Wendy De Rosa, who is the author of Becoming an Empowered Empath. She is also the founder of The School of Intuitive Studies, where she has been helping people develop intuition and experience personal transformation for over two decades. Wendy is a popular faculty member at the Shift Network and has filmed two programs for MindValley’s spiritual growth channel.
In Becoming an Empowered Empath: How to Clear Energy, Set Boundaries & Embody Your Intuition (New World Library, March 30, 2021), Wendy DeRosa, a preeminent and pioneering expert on this subject, helps readers understand their empathic nature and offers the practical tools they need to restore their energetic boundaries, honor their intuitive gifts, and fully express their personal power.
If you would like to connect with Wendy De Rosa, you can find her at. or on her publisher’s page @NewWorldLibrary and you can purchase her book on-line and at most retailers, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Target.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson speaks with Elisabeth Kristof, who is an expert in using applied neurology to move people out of pain, unwanted behavior and stress response. She is the founder of "Brain-Based Wellness," a revolutionary online platform that trains the nervous system and body to resolve old patterns, improve performance, and increase well-being. Elisabeth is a certified applied neurology practitioner who has been in the fitness and movement industry since 2007.
Elisabeth talks applied neurology and how she helps folks:
To Resolve stress and burnout
Move out of chronic pain
Change unwanted behavior like stress eating and overworking
Reduce anxiety, migraine, fatigue and exhaustion
If you would like to connect with Elisabeth Kristof, you can find her on: IG: @elkristof on FB @brainbasedwellness and at her website:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
This week Dr. Summer Watson speaks with Casey Hasten, who is the Director of Recruiting and Coaching with VIP, Podcast Host of the "We Are VIP Podcast," and a Networking Ninja. Her mission is to help raise the consciousness of the world by helping those she touches learn to be “at choice.” Yes, I said “At Choice” and you want to hear all about this. We will also talk about her new journal coming out soon.
Outside of work, she is a long-distance cyclist and completed a huge milestone when she completed the Hotter ‘N Hell Century ride and she has one son, Garrett, who is proudly serving his country in the US Air Force. Casey has so much passion and wisdom to share-- you don't want to miss this!
Follow Casey at:
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Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
This week Dr. Summer Watson has the opportunity to speaks with Liz Capants, who is the founder of the search, consulting, and referral networking service EBC Associates, LLC. Since 2007, the business has grown to a global network of affiliate partnerships to drive growth. As a result of the growth, Erudites Networking Group was formed as a subsidiary.
EBC Associates provides 3 areas of focus: 1. Talent acquisition consulting, 2. Career coaching and marketing, and 3. Referral Networking Services. Liz works globally with a diverse range of industries and is actively involved with a number of associations. These include: certification as a women’s business enterprise by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s largest third-party certifier of the businesses owned and operated by women in the US, Women Presidents Education Organization, WPEO, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, WINGS For Growth, and a Strategic Alliance Board Partner with the Entrepreneurs’ Organization New York, (EONY).
Prior to launching EBC Associates, Liz worked in business development, sales and recruiting positions. With a commitment to excellence and an entrepreneurial drive, Liz’s insights and passion for bringing people together with new ideas helped to facilitate her transition into the search and networking business. She trained with Management Recruiters and was recognized as a top producer before launching her own practice. Liz earned a BA degree in Mass Communications and Media Studies from St. Bonaventure University and a Business Management Certificate from New York University.
If you would like to connect with Liz Capants, you can find her at:,
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson gets the opportunity to speak with Kyla Aquino Irving. Kyla was born in the Philippines, raised in Northern California, she is a social justice advocate, and was double kidney transplant recipient.
Kyla is a communications manager for a major nonprofit in the Greater Sacramento region and is on a mission to see an end to the organ donor waiting list.
Kyla’s family escaped direct threats from a dictator to immigrate to the U.S. when she was 2 years old. Coming from a family that stands for ‘People Power’ over tyranny, advocating for social justice came naturally.
At only 15 years old, her kidney function had deteriorated overnight and was on dialysis for six months. Fortunately, testing revealed that her father was a compatible match and he was able to donate a kidney to her when she was 16.
As a high school senior, Kyla became an advocate for organ donation. She wrote a book about her kidney disease journey, and “Kyla’s Kidney Adventure” was published through the National Kidney Foundation.
Aquino graduated cum laude from California State University, Sacramento in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, with a concentration in Public Relations and a minor in Marketing. While attending college, she completed public affairs internships with Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi and the Community Engagement Center at Sacramento State and studied theatre abroad for a semester in London, England.
Several years later, when she was in need of another transplant, her mother proved to be a match and was able to donate a kidney to Kyla on August 16, 2001. Kyla became a mother in 2017 thanks to her mother’s kidney donation.
If you would like to connect with Kyla, you can follow her on Facebook and Instagram @discovermabuhay.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson talks with Kristina Paider also known as “KP," who is a world-class marketer and storyteller. Her company, The Hollywood Approach, helps people accelerate results in their business and life. KP’s executive track record includes overseeing the marketing and research for a $15 billion global hotel advisory company and prior to that, two hotel tech companies, all while moonlighting as a screenwriter. Her action-thriller script is on the way. Her new book, The Hollywood Approach, just came out. She travels by motorcycle, jumps into waterfalls, and is a guest chocolate chef.
If you would like to connect with Kristina Paider, you can find her @KristinaPaider on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook and at: You can find Kristina’s book, “The Hollywood Approach” at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online retailers.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson features Sulavon Bollinger, who is an Award-Winning Petite Fashion Model, VO or Voice Over Actress, Digital Marketer, Gamer, Host of Sulavon's SheShed, Businesswoman, Military Kid, and someone that was impacted by Traumatic Brain Injury.
If you would like to connect with Sulavon Bollinger, you can find her on LinkedIn, at SulavonsSheShed on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson has an incredible conversation with Dr. Andrea N. Hunt, who is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Family Studies and the Director of the Mitchell-West Center for Social Inclusion at the University of North Alabama.
Dr. Hunt talks about her courageous journey of confronting addiction, leaving home, how school and her mentors supported her through her transformational journey, and how she became more self aware and started to honor herself.
She is a first-generation graduate and her teaching, research, and community work cover a range of interrelated topics including trauma, identity, inequality, the role of academic advising in student retention, mentoring, effective online pedagogy, and learning experiences that promote information and media literacy. Dr. Hunt is a court appointed special advocate and works in the community with mental health professionals, social workers, youth in juvenile detention, and adults in recovery. She is currently pursuing a degree in counseling to better support her community.
If you would like to connect with Andrea Hunt, you can follow her on LinkedIn and Instagram at: Professor Andrea Hunt.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
This week on the KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson talks with Melody Stanford Martin, who is a social ethicist and communications expert, author of Brave Talk: Building Resilient Relationships in the Face of Conflict (Broadleaf Books, 2020), Founder of Brave Talk Project, Founder & CEO of Cambridge Creative Group, and a regular contributor to Psychology Today. Melody's work focuses on rhetorical innovation, courageous community engagement, and out-of-the-box thinking to solve social problems.
If you would like to connect with Melody Stanford Martin, you can reach her on: LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok and you can find her book, Brave Talk: Building Resilient Relationships in the Face of Conflict at most on-line retailers to include Amazon.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson, PhD talks to the incredible J'Anmetra Waddell. She is the ONLY Live Past Crazy Specialist! She strategically works with women to R.I.S.E- mastering their source of power as a mindset mediator. J’Anmetra is an Amazon International Bestselling Author of “Fearless Woman Born to Give Thanks” and “Transition to Freedom” as well as (4) other incredible books . She has received Author of the Year of Award for two consecutive years and has had the opportunity to share the screen with the late actor Tommy Ford in the movie "The Last Time."
She is the founder of Be Fearless Inc, Waddell Consulting Services and Bare Your Hair. She has an MBA in Healthcare Management and is currently finishing her Ph.D. She is a strong advocate for victims and survivors of domestic violence. At 40, she instantly understood that she had to start being who she was born to be: a leader, teacher, trainer, thought creator, a REBEL!
If you would like to learn more about J’Anmetra Waddell, you can find her at:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
This week on the The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson talks with Devina Kaur, who is a creative entrepreneur, researcher, inspirational speaker, radio host and producer of the Brilliantly Sexy Show and founder of the Sexy Brilliant™ Global Revolution. She is a published author as well as the creator of The Sexy Brilliant™ Academy. Devina was named a Top 25 Canadian Immigrant of the Year in 2019 and is the winner of a REX Karamveer Award as a “Champion of Change.” Her 1st book is titled, “Too Fat, Too Loud, Too Ambitious.”
To learn more about Devina Kaur, you can find her on LinkedIn, FB, Twitter, and Instagram at: The Devina Kaur and at
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at:

Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
This week on The KORE Women podcast, Dr. Summer Watson talks with Jen Russman, who is a self-healing advocate and practitioner, a survivor of sexual abuse, someone who battled alcoholism for many years, is a trauma guide and energy healer, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and host of the show, "JenergyVibes."
Jen describes how she guides her clients to heal within by releasing energetic attachments to trauma. Jen creates a safe space for her clients as she gently releases residual trauma and pain energies instantly and permanently. Her work as a self-healing practitioner is more than just a story of hope; it’s a story of triumph! As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, Jen battled years of alcohol addiction and failing health before she experienced a divine intervention that gave her the strength to change her life. She has been sober for over 26 years and healed her body from both her own traumas and an auto-immune disorder; a condition she believes arose after years of suppressed trauma.
Her healing journey required following her inner knowing and the resilience and confidence to overcome. She emerged triumphant and is determined to share her story, her knowledge, and her gifts to help others do the same.
If you would like to learn more about Jen Russman, you can find her on FB at The Laughter Connection and
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the KORE Women podcast and being a part of the KORE Women experience. You can listen to The KORE Women podcast on your favorite podcast directory - Pandora, iHeartRadio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, and at: Please leave your comments and reviews about the podcast and check out KORE Women on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also learn more about Dr. Summer Watson and KORE Women at: